Check Warehousing System (CWS)

The Check Warehousing System (CWS) is a graphical application developed to monitor all post-dated checks. It allows the registration of qualified clients and the acceptance of their corresponding post-dated checks. Through its extensive on-line inquiries, the user can easily monitor every post-dated check for each client. The user can immediately determine the status of a check for any given date range; whether it is “received”, “retrieved”, “on hold”, or “cleared.”

With this system, the user can inquire for all checks maturing on the next business date via the system batch processing. Several daily reports are produced to summarize the transactions made for the day or for the month. Reports can be printed on demand.

Chart of Accounts

Define accounts that need to be monitor such as GL accounts, SubGL accounts and account details.


Monitor accounts movement through journals. Manage and monitor these journals using this module. Specify the particulars and nature of the journal and the specific debit and credit entries associated to it.